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Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park:

located in northern Rwanda, is a captivating destination renowned for its mountain gorillas, diverse ecosystems, and cultural significance.

Attractions at volcanoes national park for travellers
Dian Fossey Tomb and Karisoke Research Center:

Volcanoes National Park is where renowned primatologist Dian Fossey conducted her groundbreaking research on mountain gorillas. Visitors can hike to her tomb, located at the Karisoke Research Center, and learn about her work and legacy in gorilla conservation.

Scenic Landscapes:

The park's lush forests, mist-covered hills, and volcanic terrain create stunning scenery that is ideal for nature enthusiasts and photographers. Scenic viewpoints and hiking trails offer panoramic views of the surrounding volcanoes and the Virunga Massif, adding to the allure of the park.

Volcano Hiking:

The park is home to several volcanoes, including Mount Karisimbi, Mount Bisoke, Mount Muhabura, Mount Gahinga, and Mount Sabyinyo. Hiking opportunities range from relatively easy hikes to the summit of Mount Bisoke, where hikers can encounter a crater lake, to more challenging multi-day treks to the summits of Mount Karisimbi and Mount Muhabura, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

Golden Monkey Trekking:

In addition to mountain gorillas, Volcanoes National Park is home to the endangered golden monkeys. Guided trekking tours allow visitors to track and observe these playful primates in their bamboo forest habitat, providing another unique wildlife experience within the park.

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